About Us
About Us
Our main purpose is to provide drying, storage, market security, and competitive prices for malting barley and other grain from our members.
To complement our core activity, we also provide a range of inputs, products and services to both farming and non-farming customers.
We are committed to farming, committed to Strathmore, and above all committed to our members. As a co-operative, our shareholders (or members) and customers are largely the same group of people.
At EOSF we are proud of our history, but we are focused on today and we are ready for tomorrow.

East of Scotland Farmers Ltd is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration number 1410R(S). Registered office: c/o Blackadders LLP, 2 Tay Street, Perth. VAT registration number 268 7933 02.
East of Scotland Farmers (Drying & Storage) Ltd is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration number 2506R(S). Registered office: c/o Blackadders LLP, 2 Tay Street, Perth. VAT registration number 671 0903 49.